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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Cinco De Mayo (late) and they were naked......

I decided to go with one of those catchy tag lines in the title so it makes you want to read more, but in reality there is also a true story behind that. It seems that each time I go running in the city I live in there is always some sort of adventure that happens, and that's part of what keeps me running 5 or 6 times per week, that and I don't want to come home muito gordo. So on my running adventure this week I left Tuesday night around 9 pm after I had Portuguese classes and headed out on my normal route. I came to the area where the 'working ladies or men (sometimes you can't tell until they turn around)' usually hang out on the weekends and there were a couple that decided to head out on a Tuesday night to make some extra money. Anyway, as I am running up the hill I am noticing that it doesn't look like they are wearing any clothes and as I get closer, what do I see, but not two 'women' not wearing any clothes standing on the corner. Now unfortunately there is a stop light at the top of the hill and of course what happens......I get stopped at the light waiting for the cars (refer to a previous post about stop lights and signs being optional) so there are cars coming from all directions. One of the 'women' decides to start walking toward me, and I of course start to side step the other way. Not much of a climax here, but just another interesting tid bit about how things seem to work in different parts of the world.

Thought I would lead off with that story as I found it pretty funny and so did some of my co-workers. Seems like they all get a kick out of all the things I see and experience since I have been here. Happy Cinco De Mayo (late) as well. They don't celebrate down here so it was just a normal Wednesday for me.

I arrived back in Brazil on Monday after moving up my return date by about a week since I got put on some projects and thought it would be best that I come back down here to make sure they got done by the deadline I was given. Next week my boss from the US and the CFO from our parent company are coming in on Tuesday for some meetings in Sao Paulo and then Wednesday is our monthly operational meeting.

The time at home was great and I got to see a lot of friends and of course my family. Madeline is growing up so fast it's amazing. I had to make sure that I closed up my suitcase because she is becoming very adapt at unpacking things and taking things out of drawers and cabinets that she can reach. She is refusing to crawl from what I have seen and heard but she LOVES to walk. I walked with her in Chicago last Sunday at brunch and she got to pet some dogs along the way which she thought was great. I went to two Cubs games, one on Tuesday with some of my best friends and man was it cold outside, and then one on Friday with another one of my best friends and it was the complete opposite as it was 75 degrees, sunny, and they won. The wind was blowing out at about 25 mph so there must have been 3 or 4 home runs in the game. I got in a round of golf on Saturday and then Sunday it was time to re-pack and head back to Brazil, which was a lot tougher to leave the second time around than I thought. I think being in a routine at home and being in my own apartment and my own bed really set in with me when I was there, but it was also great to come back to Brazil. I have been very thankful that I haven't been too lonely and occupy my time with studying, working out, and have met some people to go to dinner with and go out for drinks with on the weekend.

Portuguese is coming along well and my teacher says I am doing a great job. I had class this morning and then went to the Rua Feda (street fair) bought a couple of DVDs for R$10 and got a pastry and some Guarana zero.

Not too much else going on, but will continue to update as I have more time here. I have a camera on the way and hopefully it will be here next week so keep and eye out for a lot of pics on my picasa album or Facebook if you're friends with me.

Continue to pray for safety and patience for me as I continue to learn a new language and adapt to a new city and culture, and also please continue to pray for my aunt who has begun treatments. There are always good days and bad days, but please continue to lift her up.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there! It's dia de Mae's as well in Brazil tomorrow so all of the restaurants will be packed with families. Could be a McDonald's (helping that stock Ricky Boy) or Subway day tomorrow. Also thinking of going to see Iron Man 2 if it storms like they are predicting.

Tchau for now and as always, feel free to email me if you'd like.
