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Monday, October 10, 2011

Frustrated as the battle rages on

I finally have access to internet so figured I'd take some time and update the blog for all of my 4 followers and family members. My company in Brazil changed the upcoming Holiday on Wednesday to today so I am off today while everyone else is working and of course the golf course is closed today so I am taking time to do some email cleanup, photo editing, blog updating, music and book downloading at Starbucks, invites on Facebook for the Expats and English speakers group, and then lunch with the lady friend. Afterwards I am heading to the gym and then I'll head home to relax for a bit and then I am determined to find a bar for the Bears MNF game tonight vs Detroit.

I finally moved into my new apartment in Campinas and the battle with the apartment rental company is continuing to rage on. I think I need another day to update everyone on what's going on but I'll do my best to give you all a clue as to how things work here in Brazil when renting an apartment. When you move into an apartment here you have what's called a vistoria (no direct translation into English) but it's basically a visit from a company and they note in an entire list and photos what's inside your apartment and document with photos. If you disagree with anything then you MUST note this in your move in vistoria (I equate this with a walkthru in the states).

When I moved out of my old apartment I wasn't aware that I would be screwed over as bad as I was on the vistoria and I am currently in the hole over R$1,500 for painting and three (3) cleanings on my old apartment. I'll backup a little and say that my new apartment contract was signed and we were told that it would be ready on August 1 (which it was not hence the multiple cleanings). As I thought I was moving out in the beginning of August I had the apt painted, and deep cleaned to prepare for the vistoria which was not signed off on due to multiple items.

After weeks (literally no exaggeration) of waiting and being delayed in moving to my new apartment it finally happened a few weeks ago. It's been slow going and I bought a lot of things from the states when I was there last week but it still has aways to go. Need to buy some curtains, black out shades for the bedroom and some things for the wall but I think most of that will wait until I get back in January from my trip to the US. Still waiting on the move in vistoria for this apartment but I've documented a lot already because the painting and things within this apartment was just poorly done. I am the first person to live there and the paint was done very poorly, they installed a mirror in the bathroom crooked, and lots of marks on the walls from things being installed by guys with dirty hands and leaving marks on the walls. One thing you need to understand is that if any of these things were done (or not done in my previous apartment) you don't get the sign off from this vistoria company and you have to continue to pay on the apartment until things are up to their standards. So you would think that things when moving into a brand new apartment would be the same, but they are not. I have been told that if I have any problems with the apartment (paint, mirrors, other things) they are my responsibility and I must note them on the vistoria (such a crock!!!).

Last week I wrote a novel to the company outlining this entire process to the company and I am still waiting to hear back from them on what if anything they are going to do. Calls, emails, and txt messages are now going unattended so I am left wondering when I might receive the vistoria for my new apartment.

Anyway, I digress on this subject and on to some things more pleasant.

I got to spend a weekend in the states with the kids and my family so that was nice. I spent a few hours doing some shopping for some new sports/workout gear, then hung out with Madeline and JR on Thursday and I took care of JR during the day on Friday and we went to IKEA and then to Starbucks to hang out and have a coffee (me not him). I got back to Brazil this past Tuesday and will be here through October and I'll be leaving on November 10 to return to the states for an extended stay until I get my new visa in early 2012.

Checked my calendar this week and I'll be in the office a grand total of three full weeks as I will be at home for Thanksgiving, going to Atlanta for a long weekend to see my family there, and then be off for Christmas. Kelly and I are working on a visa for her to come to the US and visit and meet the family, go shopping, hang out in Chicago, and possibly do a quick trip for New Years somewhere.

Okay, I'm off to get some other things done, get some lunch with Kelly, and then off to the gym at some point this afternoon.

Hope all is well back in the states.



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